6 Common Foods with the Most Antioxidants
Anti-oxidants are really important for our body and organ’s performance level because it helps to detoxify making different cell reactions in the body. It helps your body to function properly, repairing your organs, making you glow and feeling lighter. Nowadays every diet plan must include foods mostly with the antioxidants in their schedule because they are useful in the whole weight loss process plus they are rich in fiber which really helps to make full by having a very small amount of it. Similarly, the benefits of foods having antioxidants are several but they are also preferred most where one wants to lower the signs of aging, wants good skin and best immune system. Antioxidants are also more notable for fighting with the cancerous cells, detoxifying your body, making less chances of heart strokes, giving you a good eyesight, etc. So, today we will be discussing some of the best and effective foods for us that are rich with antioxidants.
Goji berries
Goji Berries are one the most tasty food item which is rich with high amount of antioxidants and numerous benefits. The juicy effect of it really help you to have weight loss, keeping your digestion level good and making you to fight with several diseases and viruses. Best part is Goji berries can be easily added in cereals, milk or can be taken in the form of smoothie and it can also be taken in dried or powder form as available in your nearest market. It is also a low calorie food which is mostly preferred in weight loss process so don’t avoid this amazing tasty food item.
Wild blueberries
Wild Blueberries are considered as the leaders in the world of foods having Antioxidants in abundant form. The cells of this amazing food items not fight against the diseases, viruses, etc but also sharpen your memory to the next level. That is why it is highly effective for the Alzheimer’s patients. It has also several benefits in keeping your heart healthy, making you away from the Diabetes and in maintain your weight. So, whether you make it with any oatmeal, take it in the raw form make a delicious smoothie, just don’t forget to add it weekly in the diet.
Dark chocolate
The Dark Chocolate is full with rich cocoa that contain some of the major substance which are really helpful in increasing the level of antioxidants in your body. Not only this, dark chocolate is mostly preferred at the time when you are in stress, depression and anxiety because it really soothes and relaxes you. Similarly, the intake of dark chocolate really helps in lowering the risks of heart problems and blood pressure, etc. The substances added in the Dark Chocolate really helps to make your arteries away from any sort of blockage and it works wonders when it increases your good cholesterols too.
Pecans are tasty and cannot be avoided at all but this time we are talking about its antioxidant feature because it also make good cholesterols in the body leading to weight loss and maintain a suitable weight of your body. Pecans are sodium less substances which are loaded with several kinds of Vitamins, magnesium, folic acid which makes it one of the most preferred substance to add in daily diet. When any of the patients has to increase their antioxidant level in a very short span of time then most of the doctor recommend to take pecan daily which shows it better results as compared to other similar substances.
Kidney beans
Many researches have shown that beans are the winners to get antioxidants for the body in no time and Kidney beans are the most preferable. These beans are most useful when it is needed to fight with your viruses and infections that are affecting your organs or body. Similarly, they are most useful to tackle against any of the heart diseases and most of all they make you strong enough are a source of a complete diet package as well. Kidney beans are so rich in antioxidants that they have also left behind blueberries in this series as well. It is mostly preferred with any kind of salads or in soups.
Cilantro is rich with several antibacterial and antioxidants compound which really helps in dealing and fighting with several terminal illness and deadly diseases. It is one of the most effective substance to support your digestive system well and has several anti-inflammatory properties which makes you to fight against bones problems. It doesn’t stop here rather it really helps in control your blood pressure and sugar level, etc. Cilantro can be added in sandwiches, salads, gravy or anything you like because its texture, taste and aroma is really good plus some researches have shown that it prevents you from developing cancer in your body.