Easy Home Remedies for Dark Circles under the Eyes Fast -puffy eyes

Nobody likes dark circles, they are black, ugly and patchy in look so, if you are having it and worried about it then its ok but do something for it as well. Firstly search for the reasons that why is it so because there are several reasons for it like maybe stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormonal disturbance, poor diet, etc. It is best to do something for it at right time otherwise they become stuck and no one can do anything for it and ultimately it makes your overall appearance dull. In market, there are several chemical products that are available for getting rid of puffy eyes but none of them can change you overnight and there are lots of side effects as well so, it’s better to stay and prefer the natural products which are easily available at home to get rid of under eye dark circles.
Cold Milk

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Cold milk works wonder for different skin problem and it can’t be under estimated in case of dark circles as well. When you would start using it religiously on daily basis, and would also work to improve the causes of dark circles then you would be able to see its amazing effects which would relax you in the long run.
- In order to get rid of yourself from the dark circles, take a cotton ball or tissue paper and make it frosted. Then pour some cold milk over and start dabbing it over your dark circles. You would eventually feel a soothing effect. Leave it for five to six minutes and then wash it. It really gives a cooling effect to your eyes as well.
Orange Juice

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Orange juice is not only healthy for your diet and body but also works wonders on your skin in order to get you rid from dark circle thing. There are different natural treatment for dark circles by using orange juice and one of them is as follows:
- Blend some orange with some drops of glycerin and apply this paste over the dark circles. This amazing therapy not only vanishes the dark circle but also give a brightening effect to your skin tone as well.

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Cucumber is a cooling house, having a relaxing texture and best remedy to get yourself of under eye dark circles. It glows your skin and makes a massing effects on your under eyes portion as well. It contain one of the best ingredients that are essential to have for skin repairing. It contain effects of Vitamin C which fights with the irritation and damaging problem of the skin to become more hydrated. Similarly, people who are having most sensitive skin type can go for the option of cucumber. It can be used as:
- Cut a cucumber into slices and chill it for around 30 minutes. Then put those slices on the dark circles for around 10 minutes. Wash it off and repeat this procedure twice every day for one week to get the amazing results.
- Similarly, you also use cucumber juice with lemon squeeze in. Use a cotton ball to apply the juice on the under eye dark circles. Leave it for at least15 minutes and after that wash it off with water. Use this natural treatment for dark circles once in a week to get most benefits from it.
Almond Oil

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Almond oil characteristics are amazing oil though it is extracted from raw almonds but these tiny pieces contain much more benefits then we could imagine such as fatty acids, Vitamin E, zinc, minerals, proteins, etc. All these compounds together work to make our skin and hair better and shiny. Similar case, goes with the under eye dark circles around your eyes which can be vanished easily though the ingredients of Vitamin E present in the almonds and its associated constituents. Not only this, but almond oil also fixes the wrinkled lines around your eye and decreases the puff eyes look as well. Almond Oil is mostly used in the creams used for exfoliation the dead skin cells, in night creams to delay the signs of aging, and ideal thing to use as makeup remover. It can be sued as follows:
- Apply some almond oil over your dark circles and massage it gently into the skin. Leave the oil on overnight. Wash it off with cold water next morning. Repeat this every day until your dark circles are gone. It is recommended as one of the best remedies for under eye dark circles.
Raw Potato

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Potatoes contain some of the powerful blanching effects that really helps in diminishing the dark circles and also helps in eliminating the puffiness around the eyes as well. It can also be used as follows:
- Take out some juice of potatoes and put it in on cotton ball to place it over your eye. When your gets covered with potato juice then leave it for at least 15 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water and repeat it once in week till you get the desired results.