5 Tips about how to naturally remove upper lip hair at home immediately

5 Tips about how to naturally remove upper lip hair at home immediately
Lips are always the subject of attention in a woman. However, the same cannot be said about the upper lip hair. Expect annoying blushing or frequent visits to the beauty parlor to get that irritating hair on your upper lips removed. There are a lot of treatments to remove upper lips hair f.e, threading, waxing and laser treatment etc., but most peoples want to know that how to remove upper lip hair without pain? Luckily, there are natural ways which helps to remove upper lip hair without pain and side effects.
Let us find out the causes and remedies for removal of upper lip hair.
What Causes Lip Hair Growth in Women?
The one area in the body where one least expects hair growth is lips. It is almost equivalent to having a man’s mustache on a woman’s face. Blame it on hormonal and hereditary factors, when upper lip hair growth happens. Moreover, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common disorder in women which accelerates the facial hair growth.
Generally, around 5-10% of women are fighting with current problem. There are no single-mindedcauses of this condition, and the researches are still underway.
These are few best methods about how to do upper lips at home and how to get rid of upper lip hair overnight with natural remedies. Take a look!
Home Remedies to Remove Upper Lip Hair Permanently:
Nature has its ways to provide us umpteen solutions in beauty and health. Here are some best ways to permanently remove hair from face that will help you say goodbye to upper lip hair and they are easy to follow at home.
Turmeric And Milk:
The goodness of turmeric is not just in the healing domain, but in beauty as well. When you rub turmeric paste on your skin, it helps you get rid of unwanted hair too. Turmeric is known to lighten the skin. This makes the upper lip hair look less visible. So you see, turmeric is nature’s best concoction in facial hair women.
What You Need: Turmeric and milk, and a small bowl.
How to Make: Mix 1 tbsp turmeric with 1 tbsp milk in a bowl.
How to Use: Smear the paste of turmeric and milk on your upper lip with your fingers.
Direction To Apply: Allow some time for the haldi-milk paste to dry up. Then rub it off your skin. Wash it off with cold water.
Precaution: Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, turmeric-milk combination can irritate your skin a bit. In that case, you can use turmeric-water paste.
Egg White:
Egg white paste bleaches your skin. This helps it cut down on the appearance of upper lip hair.
It is best way to reduce the growth of upper lip hair.
What You Need: 1 Egg white, some corn flour, few tsp of sugar.
How to Make: In one egg white, mix some corn flour and sugar.
How to Use: Whip the paste thriving into stickiness before you apply it.
Direction To Apply: Apply the paste on the upper lip region and leave it to dry. After 30 minutes, gently peel it off.
Yogurt, Gram Flour, and Turmeric:
Get the triple effect of this combination while removing upper lip hair.
What You Need: Yogurt, Gram flour, turmeric.
How to Make: Syndicate equal amount of these ingredients in a bowl.
How to Use: Mix the ingredients well and massage the upper lip with this paste.
Wayto Apply: After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse off your upper lip with cold water.
Sugar And Lemon:
Lemon, as we know, is a bleaching agent. So it is a kitchen ingredient which plays an extensive role in hair removal on upper lips.
What You Need: White sugar, lemon, and a bowl.
How to Make: Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a bowl and mix 1 tsp of sugar in it. Rinse your face with water prior to application of the lemon-sugar mixture.
How to Use: Now massage the mixture on the upper lip area and wash the area after 15 minutes. Repeat it for a week to gain results.
Potato Juice:
The juice of a potato is also aworthy bleaching agent. Let us find out how it helps in removing hair on upper lips.
What You Need: Few potato slices.
How to Make: Cut a potato into fine slices.
How to Use: Rub the slices of potato on upper lips and leave it overnight. Keep repeating this daily for a week to get results.
Corn Flour and Milk:
An easy to prepare technique, the mixture of corn flour and milk helps lighten and remove upper lip hair.
What You Need: 1/2 tsp corn flour, some milk, and a bowl.
How to Make: Mix corn flour and milk in a bowl.
How to Use: Stir the ingredients to get a thick consistency.
Direction to Apply: Now that the beauty recipe is ready, apply it on the upper lips and leave it for 20 minutes to show results.
Why this works: Repeat it for a week without fail to reduce the hair growth density on the upper lips.
Never knew how chickpea will come of immense use in beauty jobs, particularly in the treatment of upper lip hair removal.
What You Need: Gram flour (or chickpea), fresh cream, milk, turmeric powder.
How to Make: To the paste of milk and turmeric, add chickpea flour. This increases its effectiveness.
How to Use: Apply this paste uniformly on the upper lips. After 20 minutes when it has set in, wash it off with warm water using your fingers.
Shaving is one of the best and easiest habits to get rid of unwanted facial hair and carry on your day. Whether you’re making use of a throwaway shaver or an electric shaver, together have a fitted blade that cuts and lifts hair at the skin.
Shaver can effectively remove facial hair from:
- chin
- sideburns
- upper lip
- eyebrows
On the other hand, the consequences aren’t long-lasting or enduring. Your face will stay hair-free for one to three days, and then you’ll have to do the same again.
At this point, a question arises that how to shave upper lip hair? So, for the excellent consequences, fresh your face and smear a coating of soap or shaving ointment. This endorses a flat surface and decreases the possibility of cuts. Move the shaver smoothly over your face in the way of hair growth.
Remember that while this technique is comparatively safe, ingrown hairs can be a side effect of shaving. This small bump extends while hair develops back into the skin. Ingrown hairs regularly progress on their personal within days.
If you’re uncomfortable by your conspicuous upper lip facial hair, you have numerous natural choices. You should begin by talking about your unnecessary facial hair with your doctor. They can give information personalized to your exact situation to assist you in choosing the most beautiful course of action for lip hair removal.
Availability of natural and authentic treatments destroyed main question that how to shave upper lip hair? Now there is no need to shave hairs, because it is temporary method and you will see hairs again after some days of shave. Hairs get thicker and stronger after shave. But natural methods to remove unwanted hairs with home remedies are permanent and totally unrestricted of defects.